We will vote for  Democratic  values





The Democratic Party represents a future together for all Americans.

Our full party platform is available here — but for the sake of time, here’s a condensed version of what you’ll find on the platform page:


Raising wages, closing the wealth gap, strengthening Social Security

Lowering health care costs; ensuring all Americans have access to quality, affordable health care; stabilizing Medicare and Medicaid

Sensible immigration reform that keeps America’s promise

Defending our borders, our ideals, and our institutions

Supporting our veterans and military families

Fixing our criminal justice system to eliminate systemic racism

Guaranteeing rights for minorities, people with disabilities,

Acting to advance women’s rights, protect access to reproductive care, fight for equal pay, stop violence against women, and elect more women to public office

Protecting and promoting every American’s fundamental right to vote

Advancing clean energy and climate change action

Common-sense gun reforms

Smarter infrastructure investments

Advancing access to liberty and equality for all

Investing in modern education and jobs programs that prepare our kids for tomorrow’s challenges

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