تعليم اللغة الانجليزية English learning ــ استخدام “Go on” و استخدام “Try” , stop ,

استخدام “Go on”

التركيب go on + صيغة الـ gerund يعني استمرار الفعل المُشار إليه بصيغة الـ gerund.

  • He went on speaking for two hours.
  • I can’t go on working like this – I’m exhausted.
  • Even after I apologized, he went on being angry for another month.
  • The show will go on playing through the end of the year.

أما التركيب go on + مَصْدر الفعل المسبوق بـ to فيعني استكمال الفاعل للفعل التالي، والذي غالبًا ما يَكُون المرحلة التالية من عملية تم وصفها في سياق الجملة.

  • After introducing her proposal, she went on to explain the benefits for the company.
  • John Smith worked in local government for five years, then went on to become a Member of Parliament.
  • After making dinner, I went on to set the table.
  • When you’re done with your soup, you can go on to serve the main dish.


استخدام “Stop”

عندما نستخدِم stop + صيغة الـ gerund فإننا نشير إلى تَوَقُف حَدَثْ ما كان مستمرًا. في هذه الحالة، لا توجد علاقة سببية بين الفعلين.

  • I stopped working for them last year.
  • I have stopped cycling to work.
  • Could you stop bringing your dog to the office?
  • He stopped eating meat in January.

عندما نستخدِم stop + مَصْدر الفعل مسبوقًا بـ to فإننا نعني أننا أوقفنا فعلًا كنا نقوم به حتى نقوم بفِعِل شيء آخر؛ لذا، فصيغة المَصْدر تشير إلى الغرض من التوقف.

  • I stopped to have lunch at 12:00.
  • It’s difficult to concentrate on what you are doing if you have to stop to answer the phone every five minutes.
  • We stopped to look at the wildflowers.
  • I stopped to take a break, but I’ll start again soon.


استخدام “Try”

تُعَبِر try + صيغة الـ gerund عن محاولة الشخص القيام بفِعل شيء ما أو تجريبه.

  • If you have problems sleeping, you could try doing some yoga before you go to bed.
  • Why don’t you try drinking some warm milk?
  • I would like to try driving a tank.
  • Have you ever tried eating snake?

تُعَبِر try + صيغة المَصْدر المسبوق بـ to عن قيام شخص ما بمجهود لفِعِل شيءما. قد يَكُون الشيء المُشار إليه صعب للغاية أو غير مُمِكِن.

  • The surgeons tried to save his life but he died on the operating table.
  • We’ll try to phone at 6 o’clock, but it might be hard to find a public telephone.
  • Could you try to fix my shoes by tomorrow?
  • He tries to be quiet but he’s always been a noisy child.

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