Joe biden vision

Joe biden vision



vote for joe biden

vote for joe biden for president


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This is a battle for the soul of America, and Joe Biden can’t win without you on this team. Sign up to volunteer today.

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Joe biden vision

Bold Ideas

We aren’t just going to rebuild what has worked in the past. This is our opportunity to build back better than ever.

Build Back Better: Jobs and Economic Recovery for Working Families

Build Back Better: Racial Equity Across the American Economy

Build Back Better: 21st Century Caregiving and Education Workforce

Build Back Better: Sustainable Infrastructure and a Clean Energy Future

Ensure the Future is “Made in All of America” by All of America’s Workers

Joe Biden’s Roadmap to Reopening Schools Safely

The Biden Agenda for Women

The Biden Plan for Full Participation and Equality for People With Disabilities

Joe’s Leadership in Times of Crisis: COVID-19

Joe Biden’s Proposals to Set Up Support for Deserving Small Businesses

The Biden 4-Point Plan for Our Essential Workers

The Biden Plan to Scale Up Employment Insurance

The Biden Plan for Bankruptcy Reform

The Biden Plan for Combating Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Lift Every Voice: The Biden Plan for Black America

The Biden Plan for Central America

The Biden Plan for Immigration

The Biden Plan for Veterans

The Biden Plan for Military Families

The Biden Plan for Encouraging Unions and Empowering Workers

The Biden Plan for Campaign Finance and Government Reform

The Biden Plan For Education Beyond High School

The Biden Plan for Ending Gun Violence

The Biden Plan for Violence Against Women

The Biden Plan for Criminal Justice Reform

The Biden Plan for Rural America

The Biden Plan for Older Americans and Retirement

The Biden Plan for Health Care

The Biden Plan for Restoring American Leadership

The Biden Plan for Climate Change

The Biden Plan for K-12 Education

The Biden Plan for Housing

The Biden Plan for LGBTQ+ Equality

The Biden Plan for Opioids and Substance Use Disorders

Joe Biden’s Agenda for The Catholic Community

Joe Biden’s Agenda For Students

Joe Biden’s Agenda for The Black Community

Joe Biden’s Agenda for the AAPI Community

Joe Biden’s Agenda for the Indian American Community

Joe Biden’s Agenda for the Jewish Community

Joe Biden’s Agenda for Muslim-American Communities

Joe Biden’s Commitment to Indian Country

Joe Biden’s Agenda for the Latino Community

The Biden Plan to Invest in Middle Class Competitiveness

The Biden Plan for Environmental Justice

Joe Biden and the Arab American Community: A Plan for Partnership

The Biden-Harris Plan For Recovery, Renewal and Respect for Puerto Rico

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America is an idea.A white woman and an african american woman watch someone speak at a rally. The white woman is resting her head on the other’s shoulder.

An idea that goes back to our founding principle that all men are created equal. It’s an idea that’s stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator. It gives hope to the most desperate people on Earth. It instills in every single person in this country the belief that no matter where they start in life, there’s nothing they can’t achieve if they work at it.

We’re in a battle for the soul of America. It’s time to remember who we are. We’re Americans: tough, resilient, but always full of hope. It’s time to treat each other with dignity. Build a middle class that works for everybody. Fight back against the incredible abuses of power we’re seeing. It’s time to dig deep and remember that our best days still lie ahead.

It’s time for respected leadership on the world stage—and dignified leadership at home. It’s time for equal opportunity, equal rights, and equal justice. It’s time for an economy that rewards those who actually do the work. It’s time for a president who will stand up for all of us.

This is Joe’s Vision for America.

We’ve got to rebuild the backbone of the country: The Middle Class.

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The middle class isn’t a number — it’s a set of values. Owning your home. Sending your kids to college. Being able to save and get ahead. Across the country, too many families are being left behind. The next president needs to understand what the current one doesn’t: In America, no matter where you start in life, there should be no limit to what you can achieve.

We need to rebuild the middle class, and this time make sure everybody comes along — regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.

We’ve got to demonstrate respected leadership on the world stage.

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The world is facing inescapable challenges: a rapidly changing climate, the risk of nuclear conflict, trade wars, a rising China and an aggressive Russia, millions of refugees seeking shelter and security, and attacks on universal human rights and fundamental freedoms. The next president must repair our relationships with our allies and stand up to strongmen and thugs on the global stage to rally the world to meet these challenges. We can reclaim our longstanding position as the moral and economic leader of the world.

We’ve got to make sure our democracy includes everyone

Our politics is broken and excludes too many Americans. Until we fix campaign finance, voting rights, and gerrymandering, it will continue to get more polarized, more ugly, and more mean..

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